Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Thoughts for today

Hello there everyone in cyberspace. I have decided to start my own blog after a few weeks / months of logging into Troubled Diva. My reasons are unclear even to myself - lets just say that lots of thoughts are going round my head and cyberspace seems like a good space to let them out (let me out let me out!!)

At the moment I'm off work with a bad back, hopefully won't be for too long. My family and I are also on the periphery of something horrendous, i.e. its happening to some people we know well and we're on the outskirts. When I say horrendous I mean stuff of your worst nightmares - it wouldn't be fair on the people involved to say more, but lets just say its the sort of stuff that makes you look at your life and wonder what the hell you're doing with it. So some of my thought may be of the what is the meaning of life sort - we shall see.

When you have a bad back, they give you a little book telling you not to feel too sorry for yourself and get out and do stuff, so I think I'm going to do that now. See y'all later

1 comment:

mike said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Tina! May your stay here be a happy one...