Friday, March 23, 2007

Keith got his early retirement....


Life has been pretty tough since Keith went off sick from work at Christmas time 2005. Not financially, we're reasonably secure, but Keith has felt poor since he stopped work even though he had 6 months on full pay and six months on half pay. Initially he was really ill, but lately its just been more of a general malaise and a overall feeling of low self esteem etc.

However betwen us and with the help of a lovely lady from the NUT, we've managed to chart the tortuous waters of claiming for ill health early retirement from the Teachers pension scheme. Sounds boring but its crucial stuff. And talk about have to have the wording in the letter from your doctor(s) just right, if they give any glimmer of hope that you'd be fit to work before age 60 then you've got no chance.

Anyway the gloom has lifted, the weight has been taken off his shoulders, and he's reinvented himself as Mr Garden Man.

Guess I've got to plod on for a few years more. Thats OK. And I'm just glad that I'm fit and well. Touch wood.

P.S. Jim is home from Uni as well at the moment which is great. We booked stuff re his graduation in July last night - academic gown hire, photos, lunch. Some folks out there are making a lot of money from proud parents.

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