Monday, January 30, 2006

Ay Up - I'm a Nottingham blog of note...

...according to Troubled Diva, so I'd better post something halfway sensible!!

Life is still strange at the moment - loved ones are still ill, friends still have various ailments...

My description of it has been "limbo" to a number of people - if I was a religious type I'd have a better idea of what that actually meant, something in the back of my mind tells me its the place between heaven and hell, the place you go when you die if God can't decide if you're naughty or nice. A bit like that TV programme I've just been watching "Life on Mars" (love the music!) - where the guy wakes up in 1973 - is he dead / in a coma or has he been transported back in time?? Perhaps I got run over in 2036 and have been transported back in time - mind you I'll be 82 then if I'm still alive, so I guess I would be crossing roads pretty carefully - that is if there's any oil left by then and there's still such a thing as traffic.

Hey ho

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