Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Read this great article in the Guardian at the weekend - and I suddenly realised why I feel like I've been having a problem with my working life lately - I'm a yellowish / bluish (green maybe??) sort of person and I currently work in a red organisation. They like to pretend they're not red - all the corporate mumbo jumbo on the intranet site is yellowy nicey nicey we love you all sort of bollocks - but in reality its red through and though.


I'd already decided a while back to my ownself to be true, and worry less about stuff like the dress code (current look slightly aging hippy, mainly in the hair and jewellery areas - still have to wear a suit!!) and doing the huge number of client meetings my contract says I should do each week. Either they haven't caught on yet or it was a bit of a paper tiger anyway.

The other thing is a number of decent people in other offices have resigned recently - more money / less pressure elsewhere - so perhaps they really are keen to hang on to me. My manager, who is a decent sort, tells me that anyway - on my good days I believe her, on my bad days I think she's just saying that because we get on well together and I am the only female Private Banker in the office, also the only one not in the 35 - 40 age bracket. Talk about diversity - I'm it!!

I've always resisted giving the name of my employer in my blog, mainly because I don't want people googling for C***ts and finding me - needless to say they are pretty much a household name, creme de la creme of the financial world, "Superbrand" status etc etc - and there are lots and lots of good things about them..

..but in the last resort they're still a bank.

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